Powerful translations to the green Danish company Clever

The Danish company Clever is at the front of the green transition with their innovative solutions for charging electric cars. Diction has continuously helped Clever with translation of text material and support their mission of accessible green energy and establishing 10,000 new charging points by the end of 2025.

Growth requires translations

Clever is, just like Diction, a growing Danish company with big ambitions and at the front of a developing market defined by innovation. Clever works for sustainable mobility across Denmark and, with their international partnerships, the entire world. This requires intelligent and targeted communication in several languages, and this is where Diction can help.

Diction has worked with Clever on translating guides, analyses, and app and web texts from Danish to English, German, Norwegian and Swedish. Material that helps Clever in operating internationally. Other important jobs, that Diction has done for Clever includes translating terms and conditions, marketing material and internal teaching material to several languages.

One constant priority for Diction is ensuring that the translation will support the original purpose of the text. The translation will be targeted towards the specific market and language area that the costumer wishes to communicate to. Diction has experts in hundreds of different language combinations. The texts translated for Clever consisted of industry specific terms concerning the advanced technology of electric cars and charging equipment. That is why Diction always use both translators and proof readers with knowledge of the specific industry that a translation concerns. This, along with using the best translation technology around today, guarantees Diction providing a translation without any misunderstandings.

Diction and the green transition

For companies like Clever it is of great value to have easy access to accurate and fast translation for various types of texts and material. It is furthermore important that the service is efficient, and that the process of ordering and delivery is smooth.

“Sharp translations combined with extensive industry knowledge is important to succeed internationally. This is true in our global partnerships and in international initiatives, that should ensure the best costumer experience across borders. That is why we are very satisfied with the precision of the translations and the running partnership that we have with Diction” says Henrik Skyggebjerg, head of communications at Clever

Together Diction and Clever has made Clever’s brand, vision and costumer experience accessible to an international audience, and thereby spread the green, environmental-friendly message and mission of Clever.

“As our collaboration with Clever shows, we enjoy helping companies contributing to the green transition. Our translators with industry knowledge, the many language combinations and our fast delivery time are all factors in us being the ideal supplier of translations.” says Martin Boberg, CEO of Diction.

If you operate in the field of sustainability, green energy or similar, and has a need for translations, Diction would love to hear from you. You can contact us here and learn more about price, and how we can help you.

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Les meilleurs sur le marché

Nous faisons appel à Diction entre autres pour la traduction de textes de produits en plusieurs langues scandinaves différentes. Les délais de livraison sont brefs, les traductions à chaque fois correctes et le processus est incroyablement souple. Et ce n’est pas non plus un problème que le prix soit le plus abordable que nous ayons pu obtenir.
Christian Birksø
Christian Birksø
Nous avons souvent fait appel à Diction et nous avons fait traduire des textes techniques qui obligent à être familiarisé avec les termes des techniques du bâtiment. Les traductions qui nous ont été livrées ont toujours été correcte et de haute qualité. Par ailleurs, le prix a aussi été parfaitement raisonnable.
Alexander Wulff
Alexander Wulff
Emil T. S.
Emil T. S.
Niran S.
Niran S.
Asbjørn N.
Asbjørn N.
Mads M.
Mads M.

Nos clients:

Diction ApS
Gammeltorv 6, 3. étage
1457 Copenhague K
+45 2227 7016
Numéro d’identification: 35636455
EAN: 5797200064202